A quick guide to making money as a futures day trader with funding from Uprofit
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UProfit Trader has designed a program where your skills as a trader are evaluated, both in consistency and profitability, trading different Futures markets in real-time.
Once the evaluation objectives have been reached and respect each of the account rules maintained, your Live Funded account will be assigned and funded.
Getting Started:
Sign-up for Uprofit Trader Account
Complete the 1-Step Evaluation
Become a REAL Live Funded Pro Trader
Get started as a day trader without breaking the bank on equipment.
Simple and affordable ideas for building the perfect day trading system at home.
Trading Platforms
The following online trading platforms are supported by Uprofit and are FREE with your account.
NOTE: A Ethernet Connection
is HIGHLY Recommended

Computer / Laptops
Today's computer systems contain both the power and speed to handle the specified Uprofit Trader's futures trading platform that provides both smooth data analysis and trade placement.
LIVE data feed and trade processing is key to accurate trading and ensuring no loss of revenue form data missinformation or non-processed trade executions.

Windows 10s mode and Chrome Books Not Recommended
Monitors / Stands
Depending on the video card's multi-monitor capabtilities, start with a recommended two monitors (or Laptop and one monitor) to help visually display multiple time charts.
It is recommended to start with at two monitor screens, but it is not required to being day trading.
ViewSonic Monitor 27" Frameless Full HD 1080p 165Hz
Details on
Free Standing Dual
LCD Monitor Mount
Details on
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Learn the trick to dealing with fear when trading and taking risks by counteracting those natural biases.
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"This company stands behind what it offers on its website. Terms are clear and their follow-through upon passing the evaluation is prompt which provides confidence."
- binaryduke
Straightforward and a good experience trading in their simulation mode at Uprofit. I like their End of day drawdown, ninjatrader free license, and has competitive pricing to their competitors. I would recommend them for prop firm trading.
- Peter
It is undoubtedly the best funding company for traders, they are very attentive in addition to having the best rules for effective trading
- Jorge A.
"Best Option. Base of what I investigate, uprofit is best option on the market. Great customer services. Im very happy to be part of this team!"
- Enrique A.
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Who is Uprofit Trader?Uprofit Trader has been around since 2019 and is a USA company based out of Texas.
Evaluations Questions and Pricing10-Day Evaluation: During your evaluation, you will need to trade a minimum of 10 business days (not necessarily consecutively) to reach the goal set for the Program you have chosen. Holidays and weekends are not included. Account Size Price/month* Contracts Goal Drawdown $25,000 $145 3 $1,500 $1,250 $50,000 $160 6 $2,500 $2,000 $75,000 $245 8 $4,250 $2,500 $100,000 $315 12 $6,000 $3,000 *Info is current as of June 2021
Trading Software and PlatformsWhen you sign up with UProfit Trader you will connect via Rithmic, like most trader evaluation companies. You do get a free license to NinjaTrader with UProfit Trader though which is highly recommend.
“Can I have multiple accounts?” and “are they under the same log in?”.A common questions, but is improtant because many traders want to use trade copiers between mutiple accounts. You will only be able to log into 1 email at a time, and at most you can have 2 funded accounts under that email. You can have 2 Funded accounts Per Email address/log in You can have more than 2 funded accounts, but only 2 per email aka log in
Common Evaulation RulesBelow are the general rules. Be sure to read the specific rules on their site. - 1 step – trade for 10 days and reach the profit goal - Do not hit the daily loss (this includes commissions) either after or during a trade - Drawdown is calculated at the end of day, not in between trades. Big benefit to traders. - Trailing drawdown stops at the funding size - There is no scaling contract plan during the evaluation but will take effect on all LIVE accounts If you still have questions about the evaulation rules, it is recommend to review extensively over LIVE account funding rules and knowing details.
What are the Funded Account Data Fees?Once a LIVE account is granted, there are often fees to cover data and/or 1 time set up fees. UProfit Trader charges one-time assignment fees in lieu of an ongoing data fee. This might rub some people the wrong way, but honestly it will work out far cheaper in the long run compared to paying $100+ per market with some of the other companies. The fees as of May 2021 are: $ 9,000 Account One-time Assignment Cost of $99 $ 25,000 Account One-time Assignment Cost $150 $ 50,000 Account One-time Assignment Cost $150 $ 75,000 Account One-time Assignment Cost $165 $ 100,000 Account One-time Assignment Cost of $250
What Funded Account Withdraw Frequency & Methods?In May 2021 UProfit Trader announced an improvement to the withdraw methods and timeline. They now offer 1 day withdrawals. This means if you put in your request before the market closes, they will then deduct the funds from your account after the market closes and process your payment the same day. You may not receive it immediately (ACH for example may take a few days), but other methods such as Crypto and PayPal will most likely be received within 24 hours. The full slate of withdrawal methods are wire, ACH, crypto (USDT and USDC), PayPal and Visa/Mastercard.
The Pros of UProfit Trader1-step evaluation to get funded 10-Day evaluations Drawdown updated at End of Day, not after every trade Withdrawal profits in funded accounts immediate, (but at a 50/50 split for 40 days) 1-day withdrawals & methods of withdraw (PayPay, Wire, ACH, Crypto, Visa/MC refund) Fast support (responded in 5 minutes to my question) Multiple funded accounts are ALLOWED
What Can I Trade on Uprofit?UProfit Trader offers you the opportunity to trade multiple instruments that trade within the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and CBOT. CME Equity Futures E-mini S&P 500 (ES) E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) E-mini Russell 2000 (RTY) Nikkei NKD (NKD) Micro E-mini S&P 500 (MES) Micro E-mini NASDAQ 100 (MNQ) Micro E-mini Russell 2000 (M2k) CME FX Futures British Pound (6B) Canadian $ (6C) Australian$ (6A) Euro FX (6E) Japanese Yen (6J) E-mini Euro FX (E7) Swiss Franc (6S) CME Agricultural Futures Live Cattle (LE)* Lean Hogs (HE)* CME CBOT Agricultural Futures Soybean (ZS)* Soybean Meal (ZM)* Soybean Oil (ZL)* Corn (ZC)* Wheat (ZW)* CME CBOT Interest Rates 2-Year T-Note (ZT) 5-Year T-Note (ZF) 10-Year T-Note (ZN) Ultra-10-Year Note (TN) 30 Year T-Bond (ZB) Ultra-Bond (UB) Eurodollar (GE) CME CBOT Equity Futures E-Mini DOW (YM) Micro E-Mini DOW (MYM) CME COMEX Futures Silver (SI) Copper (HG) Gold (GC) Micro Gold (MGC) CME NYMEX Futures Crude Oil (CL) E-mini Crude Oil (QM) Natural Gas (GN) E-mini Natural Gas (QG) ***Markets with asterisks indicate that they have a different commercial closing time. For this, visit the CME site directly so you can see the times of the markets you want to Trade***
What is the Minimum 10-Day Trading Evaluation?We have established these minimum days of trading in order to evaluate your strategy, your consistency and to understand your risk profile. A trading day is considered from 6:00 PM EST to 4:10 PM EST of the next day, that is, from the market open to the close according to the CME. For UProfit Trader, it is important that we are able to evaluate your consistency and results. In order for this to happen, it will be necessary that you to trade a minimum of 10 business trading days, which do not have to be consecutive. If you meet the target set for the selected account before 10 days, you must continue to trade following the rules until you meet the minimum number of days, which is 10 days. Remember to take the time you need to reach your goal and that it does not need to be completed in 10, consecutive days. Your monthly subscription will be active until you advance to the Live account or choose to cancel.
What happens if I Reach the Profit Target?Once you reach your goal and have traded the minimum number of days allowed, send an email to the UProfit Trader Support team at support@uprofittrader.com to initiate the process of review.
What is Max Contract Positions?Maximum number of contract positions per trade is the total amount of contracts you can trade at any given time. You can trade up to as many as 6 contracts p/trade (= 600 shares) with a $50,000 funding account. Meaning, if one contract is worth $50 for a 1 point move on the Russell then if you took 6 contracts that same trade would be worth $300 (6 x $50 = $300). Each account has a pre-determined maximum position size or the maximum number of contracts you are allowed to trade at any time for each market. For example, if you have a maximum position size of 6 contracts, you are able to take a trade with 3 contracts in the CL and simultaneously another trade with 3 contracts in the E-Mini S&P 500. Of course, you can trade of up to 6 contracts in any of the available markets. This is because it remains within the maximum allowed position size. Below you can see the number of contracts allowed for each program: 25K Program - 3 Contracts Maximum 50K Program - 6 Contracts Maximum 100K Program - 12 Contracts Maximum The maximum number of Micros E-Mini contracts is as follows, 25K Account - 20 Micros E-Mini 50K Account - 30 Micros E-Mini 100K Account -50 Micros E-Mini Just remain aware and be certain that you do NOT exceed the set limit for each account size.

©2021 Vigor Media LLC is an Affiliate of UProfit Trader | Vigor Media, LLC
All Rights Reserved | St. Petersburg, FL. USA
Vigor Media LLC does not make any claims to be the owner of any trademark or proprietary information created and owned by Uprofit Trader located in Sugar Land, TX
Must be 18+ to Participate in any UProfit Trading Program
Full Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
CFTC rule 4.41: Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.
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